Friday, September 21, 2012

Week of September 17-21 Recap

Welcome to our weekly blog!

We will be posting periodically throughout the week as well as posting one longer recap post every Friday!
This week we completely got into the swing of things.  


This week in reading we worked on beginning our Daily Five routine.  Students have 5 choices during our 2 hour literacy block and in addition, will meet with me occasionally throughout the week to work in small groups on individual reading strategies.  The five choices are:

1. Read-to-Self
2. Read/Write with a Partner
3. Word Work
4. Write about Reading
5. Computer/Research

Students are using a program called Achieve3000 and are really enjoying it!  It allows me to electronically assign articles for students to read, complete an activity and also respond to a short "thought question".  

Literacy Weekly Homework:Students should be reading at least 25 minutes every night and this time will increase throughout the year. Students also will have a weekly "word work" assessment.  This can be in the form of a quiz, individual sort of related words, or a game played with myself and group members so I can see students are understanding the word patterns within their sorts.  In addition to working with their words and reading, students will need to nightly complete any aspect of the Daily 5 they did not already do during our literacy block.


We continued to discuss word problems and problem solving strategies.  We came up with a large list of key phrases and words that we can find in word problems that will help us figure out which operation to use.  Towards the end of the week, we started looking at number sentences that used more than one operation and which order we are to answer these.  We also continue our station work which is to build our number fluency through computer and card games as well as mastering our math facts.

Weekly Math Homework:
Students should be continuing to practice their math facts EVERY night.  If they have not yet passed the 4 minute multiplication time test, they should be practicing those facts.  If division, those, and so on.  I will occasionally assign homework assignments related to building stamina and fluency with what we are working on in class.


We continue to work on our personal narratives.  This week we worked on zooming in on one of our small moments we wrote about last week and included more details about that moment.  We also worked on sequencing our stories instead of just throwing information and details on the page.


We looked at the different aspects of local, state, and federal government and asked ourselves how each level affects ourselves and our friends and family.  We were amazed at how many things we wouldn't have if it weren't for our levels of government!



-Our Parent Information night is on Tuesday, Sept 25th from either 5:30-6 or 6-6:30 in room 308.
- Madison Field Trip- Friday, September 28th 8:20-3:30

-PTA Meeting– 10/8 at 6pm in the Field House

-Parenting for School Success– 10/4 &10/11 from 5:30-7:30.

-Picture Retakes– 10/12

-PTA Halloween Dance– 10/19

-PTA Book Fair– 10/20-23

-No school on October 25th and 26th!